Based in S. San Francisco, fully equipped and ready to roll with all areas designed to be COVID-19 operational.
A remote multi camera setup means high-quality socially distanced content with broadcast production values, is still possible.
Our team uses a cutting-edge broadcast system, live technicians, and even backup LTE internet to guarantee your virtual event engages your audience no matter where they are.
Designed to meet demand for COVID-19 work-ability, our Virtual Live Streaming and Green Screen Studio is perfect for presenter keynotes, a podium with interview areas, a fireside chat option with remote video, product demos, fundraising, award ceremonies, entertainment showcases, DJ, Bands and styled photoshoots.
With remote robotic cameras and bringing in feeds over IP or Web, your guests don’t even have to be there. Remote & Socially distanced Multi-Camera Studio production at an affordable price.
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